Andi Otto

Andi Otto, the cellist with his sensor-extended bow, invites Manu Chittka (dr) and Sebastian Kokus (b) on stage. With the trio, the electronic tracks of Otto’s LP „VIA“ (Pingipung) show their jazz and Krautrock faces, for example „Bangalore Whispers“. Otto’s instrument is the electronically augmented cello which he calls „Fello“. The bow is a controller which allows for gestural moulation of the amplified cello sound. The performance with the instrument reminds at times of the magical gestures of a theremin player.

With: Andi Otto (Cello/Elektronik), Manuel Chittka (Drums) und Sebastian Kokus (Bass)


Samstag 30. Juni, 21:00 Uhr
––> Festivalzentrum c/o EinTanzHaus in der Trinitatiskirche



